Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Crime Fiction

Marcella Season 3 showing.
Bodies are littered
No dignity in staged death.

There's a serial killer, a mass murderer
in my city too 
But there isn't a saviour.

Not yet, anyway.
We have appealed, prayed, begged.

Bodies are littered in hospitals,
in crematoria, in garbage trucks
But we are on the internet.

Outside an ambulance pulls up
Shrouded men disembark.
We close our windows.

We  cannot bear witness anymore
to what we have done to our world.

A poster goes up on their door.
Covid 19 - Do not visit. Phone screens light up momently
with their names and house number.

We order more masks, more gloves,
More shields, more sanitisers
More seasons on the internet.

We will escape forever.
Now to wait for Marcella.

Marcella who had dark hair
Marcella who became blonde
Marcella a wife and mother, turned whore and avenger
She who killed her own, but still saved others.

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